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“Live again. Rise once more and sow destruction in a new form. Be given powers unimaginable to wreak havoc in exchange for taking those Gifted from this world. Earn your resurrection and act in my name. Walk onwards and strike as my hand for I have made you a bargain and you have accepted. What more can you lose? Now. Now it is time for you to take.“
- The Bargainer


Players take the role of SLASHER style killers/villains from 80s movies (Jason, Freddy etc) who have been given great powers by a malicious entity known only as The Bargainer with the purpose of finding and defeating “Gifted”. Gifted are individuals who’ve been given great powers by an opposing entity, referred to by others, as The Giver. 

Players create their character using different archetypes of famous slashers and must use their newfound skills and powers to find and defeat the Gifted of each scenario.


  • -A Campy Action Horror TTRPG where Players are deployed as hit-teams (Like Mercenaries) to find and kill 1 or more specific targets. 
  • -Gameplay is intended to be single 3-4 hour sessions that can be self-contained or part of an overarching story. Each Session acts like a mission and the more Players play, the more they unlock, discover as the setting/world responds to their actions.
  • -Legacy & Legend acts as an upgrade system where Players team notoriety builds and they can earn new abilities or rewards.

This booklet is all you and friends need to live your 80's Slasher fantasies using the easily accessible Powered by the Apocalypse system, so that new or veteran table top players alike can quickly jump into the fray!

Core RuleBook INCLUDES - Rules, Character Sheets, Quick Reference Pages at back, BONUS "Weakness" Sheets and more!

I made this game as a homage to old horror/slasher flicks but also with the intention to create a game that allows people/friends/players with tough schedules and obligations to have a "Drop in/out" style TTRPG they can play that doesn't rely on everyone being there every session, because sometimes you just can't be! but has gameplay and lore that allows for that without impacting the overall fun of it! 

(vvv PLEASE NOTE vvv)

** Download All Files. Scenario comes both in ODT & PDF for use/editing.  Character sheets are 2 parts, the chosen Archetype(front) and the (CharacterSheet_Back) which each Player should have to have a complete Character Sheet **

If you would like to create your OWN content for this game please feel free :) Just give credit where its due to this page, Booklet and/or myself.  

" This [Name of your game/product/addon/etc]  is an independent production by [ Your Name/Authors] created for use with Death Dealers  created by HauntedPicnic 2024. Using the PBTA System. It is published under the Death Dealers Third Party License. "

And feel free to use THIS logo with any of your works! And let me know what you make so I can see and spread the word~!

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
TagsHack and Slash, Horror, PbtA, Retro, Slasher, Tabletop, Tabletop role-playing game


Get this game and 6 more for $16.00 AUD
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In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $7.50 AUD. You will get access to the following files:

MethodMortal_CharacterSheet 1.9 MB
Possessed_CharacterSheet 2 MB
Tormentor_CharacterSheet 1.9 MB
Unstoppable_CharacterSheet 1.9 MB
CharacterSheet_Back 1.5 MB
PLAYTEST-Scenario(DD).odt 19 kB
PLAYTEST-Scenario(DD).pdf 108 kB
DD_Final_[PDF VERSION].pdf 157 MB

Development log


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Death Dealers is what would happen if you converted Dead By Daylight's killer role gameplay into a cooperative tabletop rpg by mixing it with Among Us. It's a really neat concept, and I haven't seen too many other ttrpgs tackle the slasher genre from the slasher side.

The PDF is 51 pages, with great custom art and an extremely professional layout. It's polished and smooth and readable, and matches the subject material exactly. It also does a great job of visually tutorializing mechanics by using charts and symbols and breaking up the flow of information into manageable visual chunks.

One element that I think slasher games tend to struggle with is connecting the player with the character. A lot of movie slashers are kind of elementally malicious in a way that really limits who can enjoy playing them. Death Dealers sort of sidesteps this by posing the idea that Final Girls are a kind of cosmic injustice, and that slashers are simply rectifying this. It's a neat angle, and it gives a little more range to the types of stories you can tell with the system.

The core mechanics here are relatively simple, but have some tangible meat. Rolls are pbta style, 2d6+stat with 7--9 being success at a cost. Combat is expected, and players have Vitality (hp) to absorb damage with. Players also have the ability to get back up after dying, a desire track that fills when they fail rolls and causes them to go berserk, and an interesting disguise mechanic where they don't obviously read as slashers until they've been discredited by the mortals they're pursuing.

In combat, the game works sort of the way you'd expect. Players take turns and roll attacks---but interestingly, only hostile actions end your turn. You can open doors, throw levers, etc, and as long as it's not an attempt to damage somebody you can do as much as you want. This keeps combat moving fast at the cost of hyper-centralizing it around attacks.

For progression, the game uses an interesting mechanic called Legend. Specifically, your character accumulates exp in regions of the world---if your Legend is in Connecticut but you go after a target in Antarctica, you're back at square one for that hunt. There's also a second progression mechanic called Legacy that scales off of the group's Legends and provides the whole team with benefits. And there's regular experience points, which are used for specific character upgrades and awarded at the end of missions.

For GMs, the book is laid out cleanly, there's a lot of advice seeded throughout, there's a very thorough GMing section, and there's a sample scenario and bestiary. It's a pretty easy game to run, and if you've GM'd PbtA or 5e or OSR you'll pick it up extremely fast. The game is also quite player friendly, and this takes some of the pressure off of having to teach it.

Overall, if the premise sounds interesting, pick this up! It's an extremely solidly put together book, and the design is fun.

Minor Issues:

-Resting feels like it's out of step with the tone of the game. I can't think of too many slashers that aren't positioned as relentless pursuers, and having them need to take a breather fits conventional rpg play but creates some cognitive dissonance. Maybe they could instead heal up off of spending a scene slaughtering some unrelated people?

-Resurrection is very easy, which works with the genre and keeps players in the game, but feels very consequence-free. Maybe PCs lose a point of max Vitality for the rest of the scenario each time they resurrect? This would make it so that the only way for the Gifted to win isn't just focus-firing all of the PCs at once, and it would check a potential player strategy where one person always hangs back and resurrects while everyone else rushes in.

-Page 13, Weaknesses, "a Characters Weakness" Character's

-Having the Gifted be other killers, not just final girls, might be an interesting angle. You'd get a more Freddy Vs Jason direction, and it might make the Gifted more threatening/unlikeable.

-Page 14/15, The text is clear that combat actions are only things that inflicts harm on people, but then it spells out reloading a firearm as a combat action.

-Page 27, "but ow they can gather" how


Thank you so much for such a thorough and concise review! 

  • In terms of Resurrection and Resting I agree it does seem quite consequence free. Wasn't sure to suggest as optional or omit but I like your suggestion of an off screen scene that mechanically works as "resting" but is more in line with Slasher activities.
  • Having Gifted as Killers is great and an idea I've been musing on over the course of making this. Have been thinking about adding it as a 3rd faction for GM's to use as well as a new Character Archetype for players!
  • I will fix those grammatical/spelling/etc asap so thank you for finding those! 
  • The Reload action I need to word better. My intention was the sever cost of the Reload Tag WAS that it costs a combat action.

Such a helpful review Kumada1, thank you again for the kind words and glad to see my idea of cosmic injustice being clear enough ! Glad you liked it :)


It's a really cool game! And the layout and art is incredibly polished! Thank you for making it!