New Character Class - The TWISTED

I've been working on some new Archetypes for the game that have different powers or fill different roles that your traditional ttrpg games have. The idea of a "Corrupted Gifted" appealed to me during game design so I went with that and ended up with THE TWISTED.

The TWISTED is the result of a Gifted individual being killed or dying right at the moment of receiving the Giver's gift. This warps both them and their powers, creating a perfect opportunity for the Bargainer to make her pitch. 

The TWISTED's powers alter space, time and can create matter. I'd been watching a lot of space content and like the idea of a character that deals with a more scientific based magic.  It shares powers with some of the other Gifted in the game but is the more distorted version of them. Part of portraying this ven-diagram of powers was also removing the Twisted's Disguise because Gifted don't have them. They also don't heal in the traditional way ; though it can be gain through leveling up.

(Feel free to download[ above img] and give them a whirl!)

But Yeah~! New Archetype!!! I'm a fan, haven't tested it yet myself but will ASAP. More than happy for you lvoely slayers out there to try your hand at warping some space-time in honour of the Bargainer, long may she reign.

Bye- HP

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